Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cambell's Soup At Hand

At this very moment (well the moment I am writing this, not the moment you are reading this ...) I am enjoying a Cambell's Soup at Hand - Italian Style Wedding [soup].

As a person who enjoys making homemade soup and soup in general, whenever they have soup on sale at the store Em and I usually pick up a few to keep in the apt. They work great when I forget to make my lunch or nothing sounds good.

At some point we picked up some of the new "Soup at hand" soups and until today, I hadn't tried one. As a concept, I am undecided. I am for the ease of eating (the small plastic spoons they have here at work are horrible soup spoons), but the image of running out the door and drinking my lunch as I go to a meeting seems like a bit much. From an execution point of view, I found only one flaw: the "Mini Meatballs". The meatballs in the normal can are already pretty mini by my standards being around the size of a dime/nickel. These truly mini meatballs are about the size of a BB. The flavor of the soup is fine (very good actually considering they can sit on a shelf for months and heat up in a minute) but the texture is a little funky as these BBs of meat try to make there way through the can's spout and/or stick to the bottom.

Meatballs aside, the soup is good and does what it says it does.

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